Is My Commercial Property Ready For Spring?

Is My Commercial Property Ready For Spring?

With the official start of spring just a couple of weeks away, commercial properties will soon display signs of growth again after a few dormant months of winter. However, not all commercial properties are ready to welcome in this new season. Properties that aren’t prepared and ready for spring could experience stunted growth and poor health throughout the spring and summer months. For commercial property owners wondering about the readiness of their own landscape, we look at three ways commercial properties can be ready for the burst of spring growth.

Pruned Trees

One of the primary tasks to have completed before spring growth begins is to have trees pruned on a commercial property. Whether your property has live oaks, magnolias, crepe myrtles, or even palm trees, trees need pruning in order to remove old foliage and dead or broken limbs, ensure even weight among branches and limbs, and promote new growth. Professional tree pruning ensures that trees grow in a healthy, stable manner, and in the shape and direction needed to ensure a long life.

Clear Landscape Gardens And Flower Beds

Flower beds and landscape gardens are two others areas that definitely benefit from early maintenance before spring growth begins. During the winter months, plants and flowers in these areas can freeze or die off because of the colder weather, so they should be removed so new plants and flowers can be installed in their place. In addition, weeds can still try to make an appearance in flower beds and gardens, so clearing them out gives your property the best chance for stable, beautiful growth throughout the spring and summer months. Proactive bed and border weed removal now can benefit your property throughout the year and save on maintenance costs.

Functioning Irrigation System

Finally, as trees, grass, and plants begin to grow during the spring, they require much more water in order to keep up with energy expended creating new leaves and growth. Unfortunately, some irrigation systems might not function as well as they did before winter, and they may require maintenance and repairs. In addition, if you’ve recently added trees or plants on your property, you may need to reevaluate and retest the irrigation zones to ensure all areas will get the water they need to survive and thrive.

Commercial properties are important investments for property owners, so it’s vital that they be given the care and attention they deserve to protect property health, beauty, and value. LMC specializes in all facets of Commercial Landscape Management, and our team of Certified Arborists and Landscape Specialists can ensure that your property is a crown jewel of your community, with healthy grass, strong and beautiful trees, and breathtaking gardens and entryways. Contact LMC today at 713-688-2435 for more information, or fill out our online form to request a free consultation!

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