with Matt Byars
I have been in the green industry for a long time and had previously worked under the director of sales for Lawn Management Company. When he and I started discussing a potential opportunity with LMC, I knew that I could trust his viewpoint on the situation as he was someone that had mentored me and the past and that I trusted. The main factor that really stood out to me in our discussions was the culture of the company. Hearing that LMC was a landscaping company that truly values its people, invests in their future with the company, and understands the importance of a work-life balance was very important to me. I appreciate that LMC values instilling a culture where work-life balance is important and, I believe, can be an incredibly powerful employee retention tool.
Another attractive factor for me was the LMC Team itself. LMC has done a stellar job of building a team of top-notch individuals in the landscaping industry. Being surrounded by a group of people who, not only, are at the top of their game in the industry but are also just good people to be involved with was the type of team I wanted to be a part of. As I went through the interview process for the position, I got to see firsthand that this was in fact the case. From the HR Manager to the Branch Manager to the Owners of the company, I was impressed. Since taking the position and getting to know everyone at LMC a little better, there hasn’t been one thing that I have seen that doesn’t support my original impression of LMC. I am honored to be a part of what is going on here.
Lawn Management Company puts significant effort and energy into cultivating and maintaining a culture of supporting the customer after the initial sale. As a salesperson, this means so much to me. Knowing that the account that I worked hard to get is now going to receive five-star service from the rest of my team gives me even more confidence in the field to go sell the next commercial landscaping contract. It is so important to know that what I am promising a potential client is what they will actually receive after LMC begins its commercial landscaping contract. The fact that we are able to provide not just reactive support to each of our properties, but that we can genuinely be proactive for our customers, that we can see things before they do and be a solution to them where their landscaping needs are concerned, is not what I have experienced at other landscaping companies. It is clear that the support here at LMC is industry-leading and that gives me so much pride in what I do.
The workplace environment is of utmost importance to getting business done. As humans, we need certain elements that support our physical, emotional, and mental well-being to work at optimum levels. Companies that strive for success understand this, cultivating work atmospheres designed to help, support, and motivate employees. Simply said, LMC gets this. It is an organization that I am excited to have become a part of and I am excited to be involved in continuing to grow this excellent landscaping company.