Construction Work Can Be Hazardous To Trees

Construction Work Can Be Hazardous To Trees

There are many safety factors to consider when construction work is being performed, particularly on commercial sites or industrial areas. Construction crews must consider necessary zoning and building permits, construction safety for the site and their crew, and also nearby utilities lines for water, gas and electricity. However, one area construction crews often overlook is the safety of nearby trees and landscapes, which can be severely damaged during construction projects.

Trees and landscapes are vulnerable to weather conditions such as heavy rains, drought and severe wind. However, construction projects present a whole different range of hazards that construction crews and property owners should be aware of to prevent tree damage or tree death. In order to preserve tree health and avoid tree damage or tree removal, it is essential to develop building construction plans that factor in safety procedures regarding the surrounding trees and landscapes.

First, it is important to have Certified Arborists assess the work site before any actual construction plans are set or work is performed. Certified Arborists can offer proactive solutions to construction project managers and property owners on how best to protect existing trees and landscapes based on the current tree health and projected growth in the construction area. In addition, Certified Arborists can recommend solutions for incorporating healthy, viable trees into final designs so that as many trees possible are preserved, thus promoting environmentally friendly business practices. The future care and growth of the existing site trees should be considered so that property owners and project managers can correctly design around developing root systems and tree branch overhead.

In addition, construction projects pose environmental hazards to trees and landscapes through the erosion and/or possible contamination of valuable topsoil. Tree health can be significantly compromised when soil erosion occurs as the tree’s root system becomes more susceptible to poor moisture absorption, insect and disease infestations and loss of nutrients. In addition, soil contamination can occur when construction debris or chemicals such as paints or sealants affect surrounding soil, leading to poor tree health.

Finally, construction areas typically require the use of heavy machinery and equipment, and the weight and movement of such machines can create soil compaction, which severely impacts a tree’s ability to acquire needed water and nutrients. Soil compaction can ultimately lead to tree damage and possibly even tree removal, which will delay construction completion and increase overall construction costs.

If you plan to have construction work performed on your commercial or industrial property, first consider contacting the Certified Arborists and Landscape Professionals of LMC. Their award-winning team of tree care experts will help you assess the tree health and needs of your property and can provide construction safety services for your trees and landscape. LMC is Houston’s premiere tree care service provider, and can help ensure that your construction projects can be completed while preserving the health and vitality of your trees and landscapes for years to come.

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