Protect Athletic Fields With Commercial Landscape Maintenance

Protect Athletic Fields With Commercial Landscape Maintenance

Houston is home to hundreds of athletic fields and recreational areas, located at schools, public parks, or other outdoor facilities. Families, students, and organized sports leagues use athletic fields throughout the year for baseball, football, soccer, and other outdoor sports. Because they are very popular within communities, athletic fields can take a beating from the combination of heavy foot traffic, hot temperatures, and sporadic rainfall.

In order to protect these valuable assets, athletic fields need professional commercial maintenance in order to maximize their benefit to the greater Houston community. In today’s blog post, we’ll look at three ways athletic fields can be better protected through professional commercial landscape maintenance.

Improved Field Conditions

With professional commercial landscape management, athletic fields can better withstand the regular use from sporting events, inclement weather, or adverse conditions such as poor rainfall or invasive weeds. In addition, professional landscape management can lead to improved property drainage after heavy rainfall, as well as more stable trees on the property.

Safer For Athletes and Visitors

Player and visitor safety can increase dramatically with the help of commercial landscape management. Athletic fields will have healthier and level playing turf, and are far less likely to have holes and cracks that can cause trips and other injuries. Commercial landscape management can also include insect treatment on turfgrass and nearby trees, also reducing potential injuries.

Protects Property Values

Commercial landscape management can also protect the appearance and property value of athletic fields within communities, schools, and local parks. Communities, schools, and subdivisions with healthy, well-maintained athletic fields and facilities benefit from these positive assets as they can often attract homebuyers and businesses. Well-kept amenities keep residents and businesses happy, and property values benefit from the curb appeal of these facilities.

If your school, subdivision, or community area has an athletic field in need of Commercial Landscape Management, contact LMC today for more information. We offer top-quality Landscape Maintenance services for commercial or educational facilities of all sizes, and also Tree PruningTree PlantingSeasonal Planting and MulchingIrrigation InstallationWeed Control Services, and Soil Aeration services. Contact us today for more information or go online to request a free consultation!

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